Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren's Contracture

At The Hand & Wrist Center, we are excited to announce that we now offer Needle Aponeurotomy, an alternative to traditional hand surgery for patients with Dupuytren’s Contracture. This innovative, minimally invasive procedure was first popularized in Paris, France, in the 1950s, by Dr. Jean Luc Lermusiaux (Rheumatologist). It has since been known as the “French Technique.” This procedure had not been available in the United States until it was properly introduced in 2003 and 2004 by Dr. Charles Eaton, a Hand Surgeon in Jupiter, Florida.

Dr. Eaton travelled to Paris, France, where he trained directly under Dr. Lermusiaux and his colleagues at the Hospital Laribosière. Since 2004, Dr. Eaton has performed this procedure on many patients, with impressive results. More recently, Dr. Eaton has graciously provided personal training to surgeons in the United States, including our Medical Director, Dr. Ross Nathan. Needle Aponeurotomy is proving to offer a significantly less-invasive alternative to traditional procedures presently performed for many patients living with Dupuytren’s Contracture. Unfortunately, this procedure is not for everyone, but for the ideal candidate, it can offer instant benefits with little risk.

Dr. Nathan has had extensive experience over the past 20 years with traditional surgery for Dupuytren’s Contracture (“open palmar and digital fasciectomy”). Dr. Nathan now offers Needle Aponeurotomy to patients who previously would have been candidates for the traditional, more extensive open surgical technique. We invite you to navigate through our website, and our associated links, to further learn what this procedure can potentially offer those patients with Dupuytren’s Contracture.

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